Friday, February 16, 2018

[Search Engine Optimization] 03. Tags and Site Structure

Meta tags: 
pieces of text that get put inside the HTML code of a website

[Best Practices of SEO]

Be sure to: 
Include clear title tags
  • Create unique title tags for each page
  • Accurately describe the page’s content
  • Use brief, but descriptive titles
  • Title tag: 
    <title> this is title! </title>
    - tells search engines what the content on the page is all about
    - It is the title that will be displayed on the search engine results page
Provide a Meta Description tag
  • Use unique description tags for each page
  • Summarize the key information per page
  • Write high quality and concise description
Fill in the image and video blanks
  • Add descriptive captions
  • Use Alt Tags
  • Use descriptive file names
  • Provide a transcript or summary of video content
Clearly structure your URL
  • Use descriptive URLs, with words, not numbers and symbols
  • Use a directory structure for your URL
URL(Uniform Resource Locator): 

  1. http:// : the protocol
  2. store.: subdomain
  3. example.: domain
  4. com/: top-level-domain
  5. topics/subtopics/: folders or paths
  6. descriptive-product-name: page
  7. #top: named anchor
- make URL readable by humans
- make URLs descriptive and concise

OK Example:
Better Example:
- Use Keywords
- Use a directory structure
✔ Domain
✔ Folder/Paths
✔ Page

Ensure a cohesive site structure
  • Develop a directory structure schematic for your site, starting with the home page
  • Ensure there is no orphaned content on your site
*A visual guide to keyword targeting and on-page SEO:


*Meta and title tags best practices:

* Google's SEO guide:


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